Cours d'anglais à Vernet-les-Bains (Club de l'amitié), 2019-20

"Improve your English (1)" (Améliorer votre anglais - niveau 1)


Suivre les liens:


17 March 2020 (provisoire)

- "Sound of silence" (Simon and Garfunkel) (song) (pdf)

- "Sound of silence" (Simon and Garfunkel) (song) (audio, mp3)


10 March 2020

- Assimil, L'anglais, Leçon 40 ("Following a bank robber") (pdf)

- Assimil, L'anglais, Leçon 40 (audio, mp3)

- "Let's learn English" (19) - "When do I start?" (Voice of America) (video)

- "Let's learn English" (18) - "When do I start?" (Voice of America) (pdf)

- "Mr Tambourine Man" (The Byrds - Bob Dylan) (song) (pdf)

- "Mr Tambourine Man" (The Byrds - Bob Dylan) (song) (audio, mp3)


03 March 2020

- Assimil, L'anglais, Leçon 39 ("A postcard from Steve") (pdf)

- Assimil, L'anglais, Leçon 39 (audio, mp3)

- "Let's learn English" (18) - "She always does that" (Voice of America) (video)

- "Let's learn English" (18) - "She always does that" (Voice of America) (pdf)

- "Amazing Grace" (Elvis Presley) (song) (pdf)

- "Amazing Grace" (Elvis Presley) (song) (audio, mp3)


25 February 2020

- "Let's learn English" (17) - "Are you free on Friday?" (Voice of America) (video)

- "Let's learn English" (17) - "Are you free on Friday?" (Voice of America) (pdf)

- "I have a dream" (Abba) (song) (pdf)

- "I have a dream" (Abba) (song)(audio, mp3)


04 February 2020

- Assimil, L'anglais, Leçon 38 ("The perfect job") (pdf)

- Assimil, L'anglais, Leçon 38 (audio, mp3)

- "Sailing" (Rod Stewart) (song) (pdf)

- "Sailing" (Rod Stewart) (song) (audio, mp3)


28 January 2019

- The words "still" and "always" (pdf)

- "Let's learn English" (16) - "Where are you from?" (Voice of America) (video)

- "Let's learn English" (16) - "Where are you from?" (Voice of America) (pdf)

- "Staying Alive" (The Bee Gees) (song) (pdf)

- "Staying Alive" (The Bee Gees) (song) (audio, mp3)


14 January 2019

- Assimil, L'anglais, Leçon 37 ("I'm looking for a job") (pdf)

- Assimil, L'anglais, Leçon 37 (audio, mp3)

- "Happy New Year" (Abba) (song) (pdf)

- "Happy New Year" (Abba) (song) (audio, mp3)


07 January 2019

- "Let's learn English" (15) - "I love people-watching" (Voice of America) (video)

- "Let's learn English" (15) - "I love people-watching" (Voice of America) (pdf)

- "These boots were made for walking" (Nancy Sinatra) (song) (pdf)

- "These boots were made for walking" (Nancy Sinatra) (song) (audio, mp3)


17 December 2019

- Assimil, L'anglais, Leçon 36 ("I'm looking for a bank") (pdf)

- Assimil, L'anglais, Leçon 36 (audio, mp3)

- "News words - Fracture" (Voice of America) (pdf)

- "News words - Fracture" (Voice of America) (video)

- "Sitting on the dock of the bay" (Otis Redding) (song) (pdf)

- "Sitting on the dock of the bay" (Otis Redding) (song) (audio, mp3)


10 December 2019

- Assimil, L'anglais, Leçon 35 (revision dialogue) (pdf)

- Assimil, L'anglais, Leçon 35 (audio, mp3)

- Vocabulary: Greetings (pdf)

- "Diamonds are forever" (Shirley Bassey) (song) (pdf)

- "Diamonds are forever" (Shirley Bassey) (song) (audio, mp3)


03 December 2019

- Assimil, L'anglais, Leçon 34 (pdf)

- Assimil, L'anglais, Leçon 34 (audio, mp3)

- "Let's learn English" (14) - "How about this?" (Voice of America) (video)

- "Let's learn English" (14) - "How about this?" (Voice of America) (pdf)

- "Here Comes the Rain Again" (Eurythmics) (song) (pdf)

- "Here Comes the Rain Again" (Eurythmics) (song) (audio, mp3)


26 November 2019

- Adjectives - the comparative in English (pdf)

- "Hotel California" (The Eagles) (song) (pdf)

- "Hotel California" (The Eagles) (song) (audio, mp3)


19 November 2019

- Deux formes des verbes au présent en anglais (pdf)

- "Let's learn English" (13) - "Shakespeare's birthday" (Voice of America) (video)

- "Let's learn English" (13) - "Shakespeare's birthday" (Voice of America) (pdf)


12 November 2019

- Vocabulary: Describing people (pdf)


05 November 2019

- "Let's learn English" (12) - "Meet my family" (Voice of America) (video)

- "Let's learn English" (12) - "Meet my family" (Voice of America) (pdf)

- Assimil, L'anglais, Leçon 33 (pdf)

- Assimil, L'anglais, Leçon 33 (audio, mp3)


15 October 2019

- Vocabulary: Eating out (pdf)

- Assimil, L'anglais, Leçon 32 (pdf)

- Assimil, L'anglais, Leçon 32 (audio, mp3)

- "Here comes the sun" (The Beatles) (song) (pdf)

- "Here comes the sun" (The Beatles) (song) (audio, mp3)


08 October 2019

- Assimil, L'anglais, Leçon 31 (pdf)

- Assimil, L'anglais, Leçon 31 (audio, mp3)

- The numbers (les nombres) (pdf)

- The numbers (les nombres) (audio, mp3)

- "Up a lazy river" (Bobby Darin) (song) (pdf)

- "Up a lazy river" (Bobby Darin) (song) (audio, mp3)


01 October 2019

- "Let's learn English" (11) - "This is my neighborhood" (Voice of America)(video)

- "Let's learn English" (11) - "This is my neighborhood" (Voice of America) (pdf)

- Assimil, L'anglais, Leçon 30 (pdf)

- Assimil, L'anglais, Leçon 30 (audio, mp3)

- Vocabulary: parts of the body (pdf)


24 September 2019

- Assimil, L'anglais, Leçon 29 (pdf)

- Assimil, L'anglais, Leçon 29 (audio, mp3)

- Assimil, L'anglais, Leçon 29 - exercice supplémentaire (pdf)

- "Let's learn English" (10) - "Come over to my place" (Voice of America) (video)

- "Let's learn English" (10) - "Come over to my place" (Voice of America)(pdf)

- "Hello Dolly" (Louis Armstrong) (song) (pdf)

- "Hello Dolly" (Louis Armstrong) (song) (audio, mp3)